Atomic spectroscopy in magnetic fields

I am working on sub-Doppler spectroscopy, Faraday rotation and EIT experiments, optical magnetometry and the data analysis including the elaboration of the theory of alkali atom behavior in an external magnetic field.

Cold atom-chip experiment

In 2011, in The Ben Gurion University, Be'er Sheva, Israel, in the group of Ron Folman on the BEC on an atom chip project we started from the experimental sketch up. We reconstructed the apparatus (lasers, optical table, AOMs, EOMs, current carrying wires, etc.) and baked the vacuum chamber (we reached to 10^-12 Torr) with Dr. Mark Keil and cooled down atomic vapor till few \muK and finally we obtained a MOT. I also held some experience in hot atomic clocks.

Optical chirality

In the group of prof. Dmitry Budker I worked for a month on an optical chirality experiments. We made a precise experimental sketch up for chirality.